Lamsfuß is a German artist born in Bonn in 1971, living and working in Berlin.
"The range of motives in the work of Ulrich Lamsfuß refers to the endless range of possible and existing images surrounding everyone living in modern society. Advertising, movies, nature, artworks, architechture, war, portraits: the whole media range.
The paintings could be seemingly trivial, brutal, nice, harmless, or powerful. Every painting is brought back to the conviction that every image has its own history, context, and origin.
Therefore all motives are of equal value. First it seems as if we would have to deal with simple copies. Once an image, e.g., from an advertising campaign of Prada, Aspirin, etc. is fixed to oil on canvas with sizes up to 2.5 by 4.5 meters, you will realize a transformation of the image into something slightly or very different.
The power of Uli Lamfuß' work is not a result of a spectacular manner of painting or conceptual work trying to define a new type of painting. Every image quotes all other images, his studio is an image factory with an enormous output level free of any philosophical statement, except, ‘I paint, therefore I am a painter'. But nothing you'll do is free of meaning."
—Markus Schneider, from the website , 2000.