Prix Marcel Duchamp 2022 (group show)
Centre Pompidou, Paris
5 October 2022 – 2 January 2023

Installation view: Prix Marcel Duchamp 2022, Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2023, photo: Nicolas Brasseur
Installation view: Prix Marcel Duchamp 2022, Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2023, photo: Nicolas Brasseur

Giulia Andreani's work, Couragemodelle(a), 2022, will be included in a collective exhibition presenting the four nominees for the 22st edition of the renowned Prix Marcel Duchamp. Andreani is recognised for her compelling narrative references to women grappling with major historical events. The winner of the prize will revealed on 17 October. 

Centre Pompidou

Installation view: Prix Marcel Duchamp 2022, Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2023, photo: Nicolas Brasseur
Installation view: Prix Marcel Duchamp 2022, Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2023, photo: Nicolas Brasseur



Giulia Andreani: L’improduttiva / The Unproductive One (publication)
Mousse Publishing, 2024
With texts by Lucrezia Calabro Visconti, Emanuele Coccia, Sara Piccinini

Giulia Andreani

This monograph was published on the occasion of Guilia Andreani’s solo exhibition, L’improduttiva at Collezione Maramotti, Reggio Emilio, 2023–2024. Featuring a cohesive body of new work, the book also includes a selection of archival sources and essays by Lucrezia Calabro Visconti, curator at Pinacoteca Agnelli in Turin, Emanuele Coccia, philosopher, and Sara Piccinini, Director of Collezione Maramotti.

Mousse Publishing

Giulia Andreani


Giulia Andreani (publication)
Published by Galerie Max Hetzler Berlin | Paris | London / Holzwarth Publications, 2022
Texts by Flavia Frigeri and Erik Verhagen

Photo: def image
Photo: def image

This comprehensive monograph shows the full range of Giulia Andreani’s work from 2011 to the present in more than 150 paintings, watercolors, and sculptures. In various shades of Payne’s gray, Andreani translates historical images into compelling representations of women, power, and society. The monograph includes texts by Flavia Frigeri and Erik Verhagen. The book is now available for purchase on the Galerie Max Hetzler publications website. 

Learn more

Photo: def image
Photo: def image


nominated for the Prix Marcel Duchamp 2022

Giulia Andreani, photo: Holger Niehaus
Giulia Andreani, photo: Holger Niehaus

We are delighted to announce that Giulia Andreani has been nominated for the Prix Marcel Duchamp 2022, along with Iván Argote, Philippe Decrauzat and Mimosa Echard. Named after the influential artist Marcel Duchamp, this annual award distinguishes the most significant and pioneering young artists of the French art scene. The winner will be announced on 17 October 2022. A selection of works by nominated artists will be presented in a group exhibition at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, opening 4 October 2022.


Giulia Andreani, photo: Holger Niehaus
Giulia Andreani, photo: Holger Niehaus