Notte Oscura – Conversation Piece Part VIII (group show)
Fondazione Memmo, Rome
12 December 2022 – 26 March 2023

Installation view: Notte Oscura – Conversation Piece Part VIII, Fondazione Memmo, Rome, image courtesy of Fondazione Memmo, photo: Daniele Molajoli
Installation view: Notte Oscura – Conversation Piece Part VIII, Fondazione Memmo, Rome, image courtesy of Fondazione Memmo, photo: Daniele Molajoli

Victor Man’s nocturnal paintings will be on view in Notte Oscura, the eighth exhibitionary installment of ‘Conversation Piece’, an annual cycle of exhibitions curated by Marcello Smarelli that features artists who engage with Rome. This group exhibition investigates different ways of conceiving the night. Victor Man’s paintings depict subjects – often figures or still lifes – under a cover of darkness, leading viewers into a timeless and mysterious world that merges the mundane and fantastic.

Fondazione Memmo

Installation view: Notte Oscura – Conversation Piece Part VIII, Fondazione Memmo, Rome, image courtesy of Fondazione Memmo, photo: Daniele Molajoli
Installation view: Notte Oscura – Conversation Piece Part VIII, Fondazione Memmo, Rome, image courtesy of Fondazione Memmo, photo: Daniele Molajoli



Victor Man: From Wounds and Starry Dreams (publication), 2023
Published by Galerie Max Hetzler and Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König, 2023

Photo: def image
Photo: def image

Published on the occasion of the solo exhibition From Wounds and Starry Dreams, on view at Galerie Max Hetzler, Paris from 3 September to 22 October 2022, this new catalogue includes a passage from Georg Trakl’s ‘From A Golden Chalice: Mary Magdalene’, 1906 and is available for purchase now on the Galerie Max Hetzler publications website.

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Photo: def image
Photo: def image