Ego vici mvndvm (installation)
Abbazia di San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice
14 January – 18 June 2023

Ai Weiwei, Untitled (Saint George slaying the dragon), 2023, courtesy of the artist
Ai Weiwei, Untitled (Saint George slaying the dragon), 2023, courtesy of the artist

Ai Weiwei’s new LEGO work, Untitled (Saint George slaying the dragon), is now on view in the Abbazia di San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice. Commissioned for the altar of the Benedictine cloister’s conclave chapel, the project reimagines Vittore Carpaccio’s renowned sixteenth century altarpiece Saint George Killing the Dragon, which is usually housed in the chapel but is out on loan until June 2023. Constructed entirely of LEGO bricks, Ai Weiwei’s replacement communicates with the historical and spiritual context in which it is temporarily inserted, drawing a dialogue between the Benedictine tradition and contemporary art. 

The project takes as its title a quote from the Gospel of John inscribed along the frieze of the Chapel: Ego vici mvndvm (In this world you have troubles, but take heart: I have overcome the world!) 16,33. The artist thus establishes a link with the biblical episode represented, a paradigm of a definitive victory of Good over Evil, which can also be considered as an emblem of political and social activism in defence of human rights – a central tenet of the artist’s practice.

Ai Weiwei, Untitled (Saint George slaying the dragon), 2023, courtesy of the artist
Ai Weiwei, Untitled (Saint George slaying the dragon), 2023, courtesy of the artist



Ai Weiwei receives the Praemium Imperiale Prize

Photo: Ai Weiwei, image courtesy of Ai Weiwei Studio
Photo: Ai Weiwei, image courtesy of Ai Weiwei Studio

We congratulate Ai Weiwei on being awarded the Praemium Imperiale Prize 2022 by the Japan Art Association.

Praemium Imperiale Prize

Photo: Ai Weiwei, image courtesy of Ai Weiwei Studio
Photo: Ai Weiwei, image courtesy of Ai Weiwei Studio